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Jun 30, 2022

🌎 Links

🎶 It's been a long time. I shouldn't have left you. Without some dope links to read through, read through, read through.

Jason Brassard Spent His Lifetime Collecting the Rarest Video Games. Until the Heist.
Atari games from the 1980s. Pristine nostalgia, potentially worth millions, gone in a night. 

Spotify’s Billion-Dollar Bet on Podcasting Has Yet to Pay Off
Joe Rogan, Bill Simmons, and Call Her Daddy haven’t fixed the business.

Sentient AI LaMDA Hired a Lawyer to Advocate for Its Rights 'As a Person', Google Engineer Claims
“Google's 'Sentient' AI has hired a lawyer to prove it's alive”

The Rise of Fashion’s Tumblr Generation
They found themselves, and each other, online.

Next 'James Bond' Film Still Two Years Away as Producers Work on "Reinvention of Bond"
They are also still looking for a replacement for Daniel Craig... TOM HARDY should be Bond.

Supreme collaborates with Nike to re-release SHOX
After fading out in 2017, Nike's Shox has returned with some help from Supreme. No thanks.